MalawiGold Farm – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We thank you for visiting MalawiGold.Com, where our business is cultivating, processing, and marketing hemp and cannabis. We understand a lot of visitors may have some questions for us but we wanted to answer some of the frequently asked questions here. If your question is not addressed here please use the contact us link.

How can I get Involved in Malawi Gold? Expand

You can either get involved as an equity investor or a contract farmer under our wing.

Is the Company ready to welcome cooperative farmers? Expand

Because of delays in setting up, and the slowing down of activity due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are not ready to sign up cooperative farmers yet. All efforts are being made in collaboration with the Cannabis Regulatory Authority (CRA) to make sure that inclusivity of farmers happen

When can I sign up to become an anchor farmer under the Malawi Gold Farm Project? Expand

We do not have a timetable clear yet as to when we will sign up farmers. The first thing we need to do is to make sure that our lab and processing facilities are ready before we can take in farmers, who will need these services to process their harvest. We are just as eager to have you on board

Can Malawi Gold Farm supply us with seeds for cultivating cannabis? Expand

Currently, we are only allowed to import seeds for our license usage but once we have gone through the approval process, we will be in a position to supply seeds.

Who is eligible to join the Malawi Gold Farm project as an outgrower farmer? Expand

The first requirement is that one must join through a cooperative and that cooperative must be vetted using the Cannabis Regulatory Authority standards. Once deemed eligible, an agreement must be signed and membership fees must be paid

From which districts are Farmers eligible to join the Project? Expand

We are currently licensed for medicinal cannabis cultivation in Lilongwe, and we have licenses pending for Kasungu and Mchinji for Industrial hemp cultivation. In order to be eligible, you must be in the district where we are licensed to cultivate. According to the CRA, the license is tied to a geographic area.

How can I get involved as an equity inventor? Expand

Please contact us at  leaving your name, phone number, and the best time to contact you. Our contact numbers is +265 980 300054  preferably on WhatsApp

Have more questions? We understand that we may not satisfy all questions that you may have, feel free to get in touch
